Security Deposit


For Electricity (Hydro) Utilities:

Applying a security deposit & payment plans for electricity:

We will apply the security deposit to outstanding balances before issuing a disconnection notice in addition to offering a payment plan before disconnection. The payment plan amount is paid with future invoices. The payment plan total amount is the Amount owed minus the security deposit. 

An overdue Account notice will be given 7 days before a disconnection notice. Disconnection notices will be given at least 14 days before a disconnection, or 60 days if proof of health concerns is provided via a doctor's note. We will make reasonable efforts to contact and receive payments in 48 hours leading up to disconnection. Once the security deposit has been applied, the amount will be re-charged to bills over the next 6 months.

Waiving a security deposit:

You can waive the security deposit for your electricity (hydro) utilities if you set up pre-authorized payment (PAP) or if your account has shown good standing. 

For existing customers, we will reassess your security deposit annually (at your request) to determine if it should be refunded based on the following criteria:

  • No more than 1

    • Disconnection notice

    • Bounced check 

    • Failure to pay PAP

  • No disconnections

  • No collect trips

  • No deposit has been applied to an outstanding balance

  • PAP has not been canceled within a year

Any resulting refunds will be credited to the account. If, upon closure of the account, there are outstanding balances, the security deposit will be applied against them with the remainder being refunded to the customer.


Security deposit interest is issued upon the closure of an account. The interest is based on the prime business rate less 2%, applied monthly.

For Water Utilities:

Applying a security deposit & payment plans for Water:

We will apply the security deposit to outstanding balances after reasonable attempts to contact you for an overdue bill have been made.

An overdue Account notice will be given approximately 7 days after a bill is due. We will make additional attempts to contact you, before referring the case to your property manager. If there is no resolution after this, we will refer the account to collections.

Waiving a security deposit:

A security deposit cannot waived unless you are enrolled in Pre-authorized payments with a good payment history.

Refunding of a security deposit:

Any resulting refunds will be credited to the account. If, upon closure of the account, there are outstanding balances, the security deposit will be applied against them with the remainder being refunded to the customer.


Security deposit interest is issued as a credit upon the closure of an account. The interest is based on the prime business rate less 2%, applied monthly.